OHH - Roommates

OHH – Roommates

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OHH – Roommates 133 pages

College is supposed to be the time of your life. For Scott, it was the beginning of a rare condition known as GSRD, or Gradual Size Reduction Disease. One in 10,000 men suffer from it, and only a handful of women worldwide. In dire need of a caregiver, he reaches out to the only person he can think of, his best friend Lauren. She, along with her outgoing roommate, Gabby, welcome him as a new addition.

One drunken night and some poor decisions later, and it quickly becomes apparent that Scott’s disease is truly one of a kind. Sexual activity seemed to accelerate his shrinking, only to transfer to the person he was being intimate with. Meanwhile, a professor at their college is researching ways to regrow her husband from a measly one inch. Could Scott’s particular strain of GSRD be the answer that she’s looking for?

OHH - Roommates

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