RogueFMG - Anomalous Games

RogueFMG – Anomalous Games

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RogueFMG – Anomalous Games 678 pages

: Giantess Fetish

How is it that some people find a strange fascination with the giantess fetish? For many, it is an erotica parody of power and dominance; one where the smaller individual is completely overpowered by the larger, and the giantess has the ability to do with them as they please. But for some, the giantess fetish is an act of submission and surrender, a way of connecting with a more primal state of being, where towering giants offer a safe and secure haven.

RogueFMG’s Anomalous Games: Giantess Fetish is a comic book that explores the power dynamics beneath this fetish. Throughout its pages, RogueFMG introduces readers to a world of unconventional characters and intriguing stories. We meet the beloved giantess, Eva, who is not only a towering figure but also a devoted and kind companion to her smaller followers. Through her, we encounter a new world beyond the human realm.

We also get to know the unique characters that make up the giantess’s world. We meet a young man who is completely entranced by the giantess’s power, and a strange being known only as the ‘Omega’ who seeks to take control of Eva’s realm. As we journey deeper into this strange world, we witness how the giantess fetish transcends the physical realm, affecting relationships, politics and more.

In its bold, fantastical artwork and explorations of power and sexuality, Anomalous Games

RogueFMG - Anomalous Games

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