SedesDiS - Call me Lania 3

SedesDiS – Call me Lania 3

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SedesDiS – Call me Lania 3 73 pages

Lania is a young woman who loves to explore her wildest fantasies with her giantess fetish. As a child she day dreamed of being a giant, growing to an immense size and crushing everything in her path. But as she grew older, her fantasies shifted towards a more empowering vision of being a giantess. She imagined herself standing tall over cities and towns, powerful and in control.

Now, at the age of 24, Lania has explored her giantess fetish quite a bit, both in her own bedroom and through her own comic book series. In her budding comic book series, SedesDiS, she is the main character. She is a giantess, always towering over the beautiful cities and quaint towns that she visits, using her immense dominance to influence the people around her.

In SedesDiS, the reader gets to follow Lania as she embraces her fetish through her powerful presence. From the chaos of a city under siege, to the peaceful shores of a beach town, Lania’s giantess fetish takes her on all kinds of amazing adventures. But no matter where she goes, Lania always keeps her giantess persona strong and in control.

SedesDiS – Call Me Lania 3 is an exploration of fetish and power, showing readers the pleasure of embracing their deepest fantasies. Through her comic, Lania hopes to show others that it is possible to explore their own kinks and fetishes in a safe and

SedesDiS - Call me Lania 3

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