BeettleBomb - Haley's Secret

BeettleBomb – Haley’s Secret

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BeettleBomb – Haley’s Secret 548 pages

When Haley finds out that semen temporarily gives her the physique of her dreams, she quickly strikes a deal with a shady brothel owner. A man enters her life, presenting her with an opportunity to take her busty persona further than ever imagined.

Haley had a secret and it was one that she hadn’t shared with anyone. She had a fetish for giantesses. When she was younger, she had discovered a comic book series called ‘BeetleBomb’, which featured a Giantess as the main character. From then on out, she became obsessed with the idea of being a giantess herself, and the comic book was a source of constant fascination for her.

She found herself dreaming of what it would be like to be as tall as the characters she read about in the comic book. She imagined herself towering over the world – a veritable goddess, with power and authority to match. Even though Haley knew that her fantasies would never become reality, she still invested in them when she could.

Haley kept her fascination with giantesses to herself, instead living her life like everyone else. However, on the odd occasion she allowed herself to indulge in her fantasies, and it was through these moments that she found a joy in her life. Even though her fetish was not something she could share with the world, it was something special to her that she cherished.

BeettleBomb - Haley's Secret

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