OHH - Dependence

OHH – Dependence

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OHH – Dependence 1245 pages

of the Giantess

“Dependence of the Giantess” is a comic book that explores the fetish of Giantess and its impact on relationships. This fetish is all about the sexual fantasy of being overpowered and crushed by a large woman or giantess. It is a fantasy that many find themselves drawn to and the comic book looks at how it can play out in real life relationships.

The comic book revolves around a couple, Katy and Elliot, who are deeply in love but have to face the reality that Katy’s giantess fetish is causing strain on their relationship. This strain is caused by the fact that Elliot is uncomfortable with the idea of being completely dominated and helpless under the giantess and is not sure if he can handle the emotions that come with it.

The book raises a lot of interesting questions about the fetish and how it can affect the people involved. For example, it looks at how Elliot’s feelings of helplessness and discomfort can be easily dismissed as he feels like he cannot express his feelings adequately. It also looks at how Katy’s feelings of power and control can be a huge turn on for her, while giving her a sense of security in the relationship.

Overall, Dependence of the Giantess is a fascinating and thought provoking comic book that looks at a very unique fetish and its impact on a relationship. It is definitely worth a read for anyone interested in exploring the giantess fetish and its implications.

OHH - Dependence

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